Any given day may be ordinary for most mothers and her children, but every moment must be considered a milestone with our little one. As a mom myself I know that I could sit and do nothing with my daughter but that moment I know I hold in my heart forever.

This afternoon shoot was just an ordinary day for Marija and Sergej. Uphill we went to play and let Sergej do his thing. We captured his boyishness, and the way he is tender and sweet to his loving mother. Marija stayed mostly behind the camera but later during the sundown we witnessed beautiful moments between the two of them while they stared at the golden sky wrapped in love within their own space and time.  This is one of our favorite love stories. –D
IvanDianaPhotography SergejMarijaIvanDianaPhotography SergejMarijaIvanDianaPhotography SergejMarijaIvanDianaPhotography SergejMarijaIvanDianaPhotography SergejMarijaIvanDianaPhotography SergejMarijaIvanDianaPhotography SergejMarijaIvanDianaPhotography SergejMarijaIvanDianaPhotography SergejMarijaIvanDianaPhotography SergejMarijaIvanDianaPhotography SergejMarijaIvanDianaPhotography SergejMarijaIvanDianaPhotography SergejMarijaIvanDianaPhotography SergejMarijaIvanDianaPhotography SergejMarijaIvanDianaPhotography SergejMarijaIvanDianaPhotography SergejMarijaIvanDianaPhotography SergejMarijaIvanDianaPhotography SergejMarijaIvanDianaPhotography SergejMarijaIvanDianaPhotography SergejMarijaIvanDianaPhotography SergejMarija

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