Our New Normal.
Las Vegas Sun.
& Luka Turns 1.
We blinked our eyes and our son turned 1. How did we get here?
Luka, my beautiful son,
One night a year ago, 1 week before your birth, we received the unexpected “happy” news that our family got chosen for the US Green Card diversity program. I jumped from the bed and asked your Tata if we could have a glass of wine. Suddenly I felt away from everything, and from being happy I got scared. I felt like I got swallowed by some dust. There were fireworks in my head. We sat in the balcony next to the river gazing at the stars holding each others’ hands, and imagined what life would be for us 1 year later. I said goodbye to winter under my breath. But really, in the deepest corner of my heart, I was terrified. But your Tata reassured me that I had to dance with fear, and let go, and anticipate your coming, because you are the biggest blessing than anything else.
And then you came, and everything was so easy with you. You naturally reconnected us four. With you, up to this day, we never, not even once have to question our abilities as parents. Like I always describe you, you are a dream baby. I cannot count the many times I was scared during this last year of big transition in our lives that I wrapped myself around you because I needed someone to make me feel better. Your little body and gentle skin gives me the undercurrent of peace. You, up to now remain to be the most unaffected by this big move.
Thank you, ljubavi (my love) for bringing balance in our little clan. And that energy, love it must be, is bigger than anything. Happy 1st, birthday, Lukica. May you grow up to be an explorer and kind protector of your generation. I cannot make so many promises, but I promise to give you fun. I am very proud to be your Mama.
Special thanks to 6TH&FRANKLIN Las Vegas for the venue of this shoot. It’s a lovely creative community in the middle of the busy Las Vegas where positive energy flows. We are still finding our ways around here. We do not belong to the busy touristic city of Vegas but this creative hub looks like what we need to belong here. This simple birthday shoot wouldn’t turn out as authentic and raw as it is if done elsewhere. We cannot wait to go back there again.
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